Advice for Joint and Muscle problems
At Napiers, our medical herbalists treat hundreds of people every year in our clinics who have joint and muscular problems including:
• Osteoarthritis
• Rheumatoid Arthritis
• Rheumatism
• Backache
• Muscular tension
• Gout
• Ankylosing Spondylitis
Many people experience side effects with orthodox drugs for arthritic conditions and so seek the more gentle, natural approach that herbal medicine offers.
Herbal medicine has a strong tradition in the treatment of joint diseases, especially arthritis and gout, and can also be very useful in the treatment and management of autoimmune conditions and muscular problems.
Medical Herbalists try to identify any factors that may be causing or exacerbating health problems and therefore aim for a long-term treatment and improvement.
Useful herbs
Vitamins and minerals
Food supplements
Dietary advice
Lifestyle advice
Osteoarthritis is a progressive degenerative disease that is characterised by pain and inflammation in the joints - it's basically 'wear and tear' but is often exacerbated by diet. Once it gets severe it may result in hip or knee or joint replacement surgery. However, if you pay attention to your diet and support it with herbs and supplements, you really can make a big difference in the amount it affects you and also to how quickly it progresses.
Rheumatoid arthritis has similar characteristics but is strongly linked to the auto-immune system.