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Keep ReadingFresh Start, Fresh Approach Today is a beginning. Every day is a new day and today we're discussing a fresh approach. A successful detox isn't just about diet and food but about other aspects of life as well. Patricia Clarke Dip. Nat. Nut.andAnge...
The Spring Equinox is today at 4:15pm and that signals the time for the body to rejuvenate. We've talked about food and diet in our Spring Equitox posts here but today we want to talk about other aspects of a spring detox. Like the green shoots pushing through the earth, we need a little gentle exercise to get our bodies moving slowly after a sedentary winter. Just as the body is starting to move, there are ways in which the mind can start to open and change the way thoughts are formed.
Keep reading as we have some fabulously different suggestions below on how to gently exercise the body and mind.
Exercise can quick start the natural detox process in the body as it will work up a sweat that will cleanse the skin and flush out the lungs. It increases blood flow which will boost circulation, pumping white blood cells through the body and therefore organs will cleanse effectively.
However heavy excursions or HIT workouts are not what the body needs at this time, rather more core exercises such as stomach crunches or abdominal twists as they will benefit the digestive system.
Yoga would be a great option and hot yoga would complement the natural detoxing process by sweating. Fast walking or a moderate hike may be other options. Rebounding is an alternative and is fantastic for the lymphatic system but whatever you favour; the important point is to listen to your body as it is a time for healing and rejuvenation.
It is vital to be in a relaxed mode during Equitox and we all know how difficult this can be in our busy lives filled with the lists of things to do, however if you are constantly on the go and stressed out, the body will continue to store fat and toxins and you will be stay tired and grumpy. Be aware of how you feel and when you become stressed and wired, try taking a few long and deep breaths to slow down and let the body detox to its best capacity. Let’s call it “Self Renewal” – deep breathing – Aaahhhh and let it go.
Water, water, glorious water – this is what will flush the body of toxins and it is key to stay hydrated.
Look at the quality of water you are drinking – perhaps look at various water filters out there to improve the quality of your water as well as remove contaminants and metals
Your water does not have to be boring, just add a few great fruits that will enhance the water with their vitamins, minerals and actions.
Add in slices of cucumber for purification. Lemon for digestion, blueberries for anti oxidants and vitamin C, watermelon is a strong anti oxidant and anti inflammatory. Cut the fruits and leave them in the water for 2 hours before drinking.
Here are a few new ideas for meditating during the Equitox. I realize we do not all have hours to sit with our legs crossed chanting the Omm, so here are practical suggestions on how to incorporate meditating in everyday tasks and becoming more aware.
As you are enjoying your organic and freshly cooked meals, take time to engage with your meal. Smell the food before eating and look at the colours on your plate to engage all your senses. This will help with salivation which is where the digestion of our food starts. Chew each mouthful 30 – 50 times in order to liquefy the food. Focus on the taste of the food and really slow down, enjoy the experience of eating and nourishing your body and breathe. Even when you are having smoothies, soups and juices – chew them, don’t drink them!
Use your breath to meditate as it is simple and you can do it anywhere and anytime. Use it when you are having cravings or not feeling great during the Equitox. A craving will pass after 10 – 20 breaths.
To practice: Close your eyes place your hands on your belly and just focus on inhaling and exhaling. Gradually begin to deepen the breath, taking 10–20 slow deep mindful breaths into and out of the belly.
During your brisk walk in the Equitox, focus on smells, sights and sounds and how you are feeling while walking. Take time to focus on the experience of the walk and let all thoughts outside of this to fall away.
Give some attention during the Equitox of what you would like to bring into your life. Images and visualization is a very powerful tool. Create images in your mind of what you would want in your life and then attach an emotion to it. Sense how you would feel with that image in your life and attach the emotion to the image. If this is difficult for you, then cut out pictures and make a board with pictures of your goals and dreams.
It is like the seeds that shoot up in Spring – we cannot see them when they are under the earth but by watering them and feeding them, we know they will grow. So feed your seeds of ideas, thoughts and dreams and let them start rising through the earth and leaves.
You can do this anytime but may be a good time first thing in the morning and last thing at night. It is a simple yet powerful exercise and really helps when we are feeling negative or having a bad day on the Equitox.
Sit or lie down and focus on all good things you have in your life. They don’t have to be sizeable things, it can be as simple as “Thank you for the wonderful fresh lunch time meal I had today”. It can be as big or as small as you want. Try to have at least one gratitude in the morning and one in the evening and build on it each day.
Move the body with focus and awareness throughout the Equitox and make sure you are hydrated!!
Angela MacRitchie