Supplements to Support Digestion
Beneficial bacteria including Acidophilus help to maintain a healthy balance of bacteria in the gut. For general maintenance a 1.5 billion bacteria complex is sufficient, but when your health is suffering a 3.5 billion product will be much more beneficial. However, if you are recovering from a course of antibiotics or have a very run-down immune system it is worth taking a month's course of mega strength pro-otic with around 25 billion CFU.
Taking digestive enzymes in supplement form can give your system the extra help it needs. They help to resolve issues connected to bad digestion such as flatulence, abdominal pain and bloating.
L-Glutamine is used to help support the lining of the digestive tract and useful in the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease (IBS) and ulcers.
Slippery Elm foods are a mixture of slippery elm bark flour with other herbs, nutrients and skimmed or soya milk powders. These make soothing but nutritious dietary supplements for those with sensitive digestion and poor appetite. Slippery Elm powder can also be bought by itself to make your own shakes and gruel or taken as Slippery Elm capsules.
If you do need to increase fibre in your diet there is a great and easy way to do it. A teaspoon of Psyllium Husks taken with a (full) glass of water helps to relieve constipation and diarrhoea, haemorrhoids, irritable bowel syndrome and other intestinal problems. It is found in some pharmacy products such as Metamucil but we recommend it in its pure state without additional colouring and flavouring.
Aloe Vera is great for the whole digestive system. Studies have shown that it reduces candida, toxic amines and improves the balance of friendly bacteria. It also increases digestion and absorption of dietary proteins in the stomach and small intestine. We know that it can soothe inflammation in the bowel but it has also been found to improve stool density and speed up bowel transit time, without signs of diarrhoea or looseness. The result is probably due to improved muscle tone in the bowel, and not a laxative effect.
Raw, virgin Coconut Oil fights against candida in the digestive tract due to the natural caprylic acid it contains. A spoonful a day, keeps the doctor away - to coin a phrase!