Join us for a free webinar with Medical Herbalist, Claire Goulding for a free webinar discussing natural approaches to endometriosis on Wednesday 26th March at 7pm (GMT).
Keep ReadingAt Napiers we see increasing numbers of patients with digestive problems. Many of these conditions can be helped using simple herbal remedies together with diet or lifestyle changes. The old saying —you are what you eat“ should really read —you ar...
At Napiers we see increasing numbers of patients with digestive problems including:
• Irritable Bowel
• Peptic Ulcers
• Constipation
• Heartburn
• Inflammatory Bowel Disease
• Gallstones
• Indigestion
Many of these conditions can be helped using simple herbal remedies together with diet or lifestyle changes. The old saying —you are what you eat“ should really read —you are what you digest and absorb“.
No matter how good your diet is, if the food you eat is not properly broken down and absorbed, your body will lack the building blocks it needs for the best of health and vitality. Stress is one of the major factors in many digestive disorders. The release of adrenaline as part of the body‘s response to stress causes a reduction in blood flow to the digestive organs, which in prolonged stress, can lead to digestive problems. See our page on Stress problems for suggestions on how to deal with stress using relaxation and herbal medicine.
Herbal medicine can offer symptomatic relief while also providing essential support to the digestive system by using herbs such as meadowsweet, chamomile and marshmallow root. We strongly recommend that you consult with a medical herbalist for the most effective treatment of this condition.
The burning sensation of heartburn can be worsened by smoking, drinking coffee or alcohol, eating fatty, rich foods or by overeating. Herbs such as slippery elm powder and meadowsweet have traditionally been used for these conditions.
Indigestion can be caused by eating too quickly, overeating, stress, hiatus hernia or by a lack of digestive enzymes or stomach acid. Herbal remedies such as meadowsweet and chamomile can provide occasional relief. However, indigestion can be a symptom of more serious disease and should be investigated if persistent.
Inflammatory bowel disease can be debilitating, difficult to manage and can have long-term health consequences. Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis can be caused by immune dysregulation, genetic influences and, possibly, infectious agents. Herbal practitioners are qualified to treat these conditions and their underlying causes, while monitoring your nutritional status and general health.
Gallstones can cause a great deal of pain and may lead to inflammation and infection of the gallbladder. There is a strong tradition of using herbal medicines to treat this condition. Please see a qualified medical herbalist and do not try to self-treat this condition.