Webinar: Lyme Disease & Long Covid Date: 19th February | Time: 8:00 PM GMT | Location: Online
Keep ReadingA quality Lavender essential oil distilled from plants grown in the high elevation regions of France - a region known...
Beneficial for stress and anxiety. Encourages deep slow breathing and is good for meditation. Very valuable in skin c...
A gentle, natural ear oil to help adults and children with blocked ears. Contains mullein, calendula, lavender, garli...
A powerful anti-microbial oil to support your immunity. Refreshing and revitalising. Antiseptic and cleansing. Effect...
A blend of powerful essential oils to keep toenails looking good A Napiers' formula developed after research herbalis...
Warming Spice Oil with clove, cinnamon and sweet orange peel, creates lovely warming sensations, perfect for the cold...
Powerful decongestant. Use in inhalation or dilute and directly massage onto chest when congested due to cold. Especi...
A blend of essential oils to clear & focus the mind with invigorating Peppermint and Rosemary, to aid concentrati...
Reviving and energizing. A sweet smelling, relaxing oil often used to support the lymphatic system and aid skin healt...
A blend of oils to clear and invigorate. Helpful decongestant properties. Properties: Eucalyptus: Powerful, cleari...
Fushi Fresh-Pressed pure, organic oils are unrefined and cold-pressed from the season's harvest to ensure freshness ...
Powerful digestive and antiseptic. A cooling invigorating essential oil for the bath. Used as an inhalant to clear ca...