Webinar: Lyme Disease & Long Covid Date: 19th February | Time: 8:00 PM GMT | Location: Online
Keep ReadingThe Rowan tree, Sorbus aucuparia, is deeply woven into the tapestry of Scottish heritage and culture. Known as the 'Mountain Ash' due to its ability to grow at high altitudes, the Rowan tree is a common sight in the Highlands of Scotland. These tr...
The Rowan tree, Sorbus aucuparia, is deeply woven into the tapestry of Scottish heritage and culture. Known as the 'Mountain Ash' due to its ability to grow at high altitudes, the Rowan tree is a common sight in the Highlands of Scotland.
These trees often mark the boundaries of ancient homesteads and are frequently the last tree one encounters on the ascent into the higher reaches of the hills and mountains.
Throughout history, the Rowan tree has been surrounded by a rich folklore. In Scotland, it has been traditionally associated with protection against malevolent forces. The tree's bright red berries, which appear in autumn, were thought to be a powerful charm against enchantments and witchcraft.
The Rowan tree’s ability to survive in tough conditions, and thrive, makes it a fitting emblem of fortitude and perseverance.
The Rowan tree's survival in the harsh conditions of the Scottish Highlands is remarkable. The trees are adapted to withstand extreme weather, including biting winds, heavy snowfall, and rocky, nutrient-poor soils. Their roots penetrate deep into the ground, anchoring them securely and allowing them to draw sustenance from deep within the earth.
This means that the Rowan tree can flourish where few other plants can.
Rowan berries are packed with nutrients that can benefit the skin, making them an excellent choice for natural beauty routines, promoting healthy, radiant skin.
Incorporating Rowan berries into skincare routines can result in a healthier, more radiant complexion. Their natural potency, derived from their ability to endure and prosper in harsh conditions, translates into their effectiveness in skincare applications.
Products containing Rowan berry extracts can help rejuvenate and revitalise the skin, offering a natural and powerful alternative to synthetic ingredients.