Shed Your Winter Coat

We're on day 3 of getting ready for the Big Spring Equitox...

Patricia Clarke Dip. Nat. Nut.and
Angela MacRitchie Dip. Nat. Nut.

As Spring Equinox is the best time for a detox, we're following the detox plan devised by Patricia and Angela, our naturopathic nutritional therapists. We're totally behind the saying 'failing to plan is planning to fail' so we're getting ready this week, ready for success! 

In Scotland we have a saying: Nae cast a clout til May is oot. It basically means don't go out without your coat until the end May - in case of a sudden shower or a late flurry of snow. However, one of the first signs of spring is when animals start to shed their winter coats and take on a sleeker appearance. We love the symbology of leaving our coats behind and embracing the new season, both mentally and physically.

We are getting psyched up and prepared for this year's Equitox by cleaning out and decluttering the cupboards, and preparing mind, body and our environment. Making the most of our natural circadian drive for a fresh, new, clean spring time.

Preparing your mind for Equitox

The first place to start shedding your winter coat is addressing your frame of mind. Assemble your thoughts and ask yourself why you are doing the Equitox. Be clear about your intentions whether your goal is to have a fresh and revitalised body and mind or whether it is to lose weight or just feel amazing. Whatever your goals are, knowing the reason behind your commitment to a Spring detox is helpful for a positive mental attitude, as well as feeling empowered.

Preparing your cupboards for Equitox

Start clearing the cupboards of the foods that “tempt” you and are not be supportive in this time of the detox.

These foods include coffee, alcohol, tobacco, red meat, sugar, gluten, dairy, processed and junk foods. Replace them with good foods. In the next few days, focus on reducing restricted foods from your diet so that, by the time we all start Equitox on Sunday, you are rearing to go with wholesome fresh and good quality foods consisting of: plenty of fresh, organic fruit and vegetables, organic and free range fish, white meat, eggs, seeds & nuts, wholegrains, filtered water.

Tip the balance of your diet in the upcoming days from lifeless to energising foods.

Think about recycling and decluttering the cupboards and diet to focusing on invigorating and renewing. The sooner you start to accustom your body to the changes in diet required by the detox, the more comfortable you will be over the next 14 days of the detox.

Start looking for local health stores or farmers markets that have a good selection of organic foods. If buying organic is not possible, get a fruit and vegetable wash to rid them of pesticides and other nasty chemicals. 

Foods to transition off in the next few days …..

  • Red meat, sausages, burgers and pate. Use organic chicken and turkey.
  • Dairy products
  • Butter, margarine, hydrogenated fats – use olive oil or cold pressed vegetable oils such as flax or hemp.
  • Wheat including bread, biscuits, croissants, cakes, pies, pastry, quiche, battered or breadcrumbed foods.
  • Crisps and savoury snacks including salted nuts, chocolates, sweets, jams and sugar.
  • Processed foods, ready meals, ready-made sauces and takeaways.
  • Alcohol, coffee, tea.
  • Sauces, pickles, shop bought salad dressing, mayonnaise.
  • Fizzy drinks, squashes, including diet versions.

Foods to embrace and eat plenty of …

  • Fresh fruit, fruit juices & vegetables
  • Sprouted seeds, beans, lentils & other pulses
  • Wholegrains – oats, brown rice, rice noodles, quinoa, millet, corn, barley & rye.
  • Oat cakes, rye  rackers, corn crackers, rice cakes.
  • Fresh fish
  • Unsalted, unroasted nuts and seeds.
  • Live natural yoghurt
  • Extra virgin olive oil and lemon juice for salad dressings.
  • Sulphur rich foods – cabbage, garlic, onions, leeks, kale and eggs to support liver detoxification.
  • Garlic, ginger, ground pepper and fresh herbs.
  • Water – at least 2 litres a day filtered or mineral water from glass bottles.
  • Herbal or fruit teas – good detox teas. See our Detoxitea or dandelion, nettle, celery seed, fennel, liquorice, ginger and peppermint.

Preparing your emotional wellbeing for Equitox

Keep a journal during this Equitox. Here are a few questions to ask yourself and purge negative feelings if they arise:

  • Are you experiencing yourself getting stuck in toxic thought patterns?
  • Can you access joy within? Are your moods very low or depressed?
  • What are you ready to let go of at this time?
  • What would you like to experience on a mental and emotional level?

These are the questions to come back to during your detox time. 

Preparing your environment for Equitox with a digital detox

  • Electromagnetic radiation – reduce the amount of radiation during the Equitox. Let the body rest more and not be overstimulated by TV, radio, phones and computers.
  • Mobile phones – Even though it is difficult in this day and age to do without a mobile phone. Try to reduce the hours the phone is switched on in the day. Switch your phone off at night or leave it in another room.
  • Revive the art of conversation at the dinner table and family time when we're really present to each other.

We will go through some of the above topics in more detail during the Equitox. In the meantime, take heart, and shed your winter coat of tiredness, fatigue, aches & pains, food cravings, headaches, rashes and skin problems. Enjoy the new energy that Spring brings and embrace the Spring Equitox feeling of wellness, better digestion & elimination, weight loss, improved skin tone and mental alertness.

Angela MacRitchie